Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I love these wall stickers!!

My mom got these AWESOME wall stickers for me at Marshall's. She only paid $8 for the pack! You were supposed to just make the two branches, but mine didn't turn out big enough so I used the extras to make two more little branches. These just cheer me up so much on this dull winter day!!




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Carol Seitz said...

Wow, it's looks even better on your wall than the picture on the package. You did a great job. I need to go back to Marshall's to see if they have anything else. What a great impact for $8.00!

Jen said...

way cute!

Krista said...

Hey Leah,
I've had a blast catching up on your blog. I loved reading about your Christmas celebrations. Your boys are so precious and you are a great mom. Miss you friend!!