Monday, November 24, 2008


Okay, I made fun of my mom the other day for burning toast. But now I must give her credit for never turning my white clothes pink. I washed our new RED bath rug with a load of laundry the other day and everything came out pink. Ed laughed and said "what did you think was going to happen?" I said "that's never happened to me before - I thought it was just a joke they did on TV!!" Sooo, now I have a laundry basket full of pink socks and pink Thomas underwear. And, if anyone is interested, you are more than welcome to our pink "I'm the Big Brother" t-shirt. Ugh!


Margaret said...

Sometimes you can wash them again (especially if you haven't put them in the dryer) and the dye will wash out. Ask me how I know...

Jen said...

that is hilarious. although I'm sure you didn't think so. i've had that happen before!

Carol Seitz said...

Just put a pink bow in his hair and the shirt will look fine. (See older post of poor Joel!)

Krista said...

Sometimes you can soak them in bleach for colors (a high concentration of it) for a few hours and then rewash and it helps. I feel your pain - I seem to do that way too often!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Leah, I think we have all done this. Never mind that none of us were age 27 married 5 years and have 2 kids. What? Did Ed take a day off from doing laundry?