Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oreopalooza 2008

Every year Ed's college buddies (and families) get together and camp in Northern Indiana. We haven't been able to go for the past few years b/c we were in NC, but now that we are back in the Midwest, we made the trip over. We had a lot of fun with everyone. Well, everyone except the Edwards' who were halfway across the world. Their parents were still gracious enough to host us. I didn't take any pictures (too busy juggling the boys) so I was at the mercy of others to send me photos. Here's what I got:
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aje said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us. Wish we could have been there...only 4 more months 'til we are home, though!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good time! I miss you. Your boys look awesome. Joel doesn't look like a newborn any more at all. What a cutie. Rusty really likes the fudgesicle pictures from a ways back... very funny.

Anonymous said...

I think my "berry butt" has gone viral. Do I get some kind of award??