Thought I would give you all an update on how the moving is going. Ed took the last of our stuff to the Salvation Army this afternoon while I stayed home and cleaned up/threw out what was left over. After 2 days of yard sales, then 2 more days of calling all our neighbors in to take what was left, we have made it through.
To be honest, this has been really hard on me. It is difficult to have to sort through all of your things and narrow them down into 9 suitcases and a carload. I had to get rid of big things like furniture and clothes, but it was actually the little things that got me. Like some of my yearbooks, some of the things I had from Ecuador, half of Samuel's baby clothes, decorations, etc. The Lord has taught me so much about letting go. It's amazing how we can get so attached to things that are temporal. As I catch myself saying, oh, I'll just keep this one thing, I'm reminded of when Jesus says in Matthew, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." It is a real challenge to me to take my focus off of stuff and put it on people.
We are all set now to head to Ed's sister's house on Thursday for Thanksgiving, then fly out Friday morning. All of our bags are packed - 8 suitcases and 1 Pack N' Play. We have a big pile in the living room of what needs to be packed up in the car when Ed and my dad come back next week. We are very excited about our move - and very excited to have a place to call home soon.
I'll try to update the blog once I get back to my mom's house next week. Hopefully we will have found an apartment up in Chicago and can give you all the details.
We love you all! To all our Midwest friends - we'll see you soon!
Wow, I can't imagine sorting through all our stuff to fit into 9 suitcases! Thanks for a good reminder to us that our things on earth have no lastly value. I admire you guys for all you've learned and taught us through your journey :)
Thanks for the updates - I'll be praying for you as you travel.
I love the color of your living room walls.
Caleb's parents live in Evanston, Ill and have a church plant near Northwestern. Send me your email if you want and I can put you in contact with some families in their church and maybe they can help you look for an apartment. - Hope the moves go well. check out my sporadic blog
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