Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, Aug 10

I had a nice little visit from some friends last night. Four women from a mom's group I'm a part of came up to the hospital and gave me a manicure & pedicure. I am now sporting hot pink finger and toenails. How fun!

The doctor is hoping that my bowels really start "waking up" today. If I can pass a lot of the gas that is in my belly today/tonight, I will drink a lot of liquids tomorrow and then get to go home on Wednesday. Wednesday! Can you believe it? That would be so awesome. Please pray that things would keep moving.

Thanks for praying for my hydration level. Everything looks good and they've backed down my IV fluids.

Everything else is going really well. I hope I have even more good news to report tomorrow.

Love to all!


Anonymous said...

Gosh this post sure makes me feel better. Kid, you scare me! The best medicine a person can get is to go home. Praying, crossing fingers and doin' the go home dance for you.
Love Mary H

aje said...

Praying that you will start stinkin' it up!!!! :)

In all seriousness, Leah praying for you. What an ordeal! I was telling Aaron that you downplayed the whole thing, it seemed, for a while, but this is quite a serious matter. Wow! Lots of love and prayers!
