Samuel first...
Samuel has finally outgrown his Indianapolis Colts t-shirt he got for Christmas last year. Here he is in it for the last time. He is sitting in Joel's Bumbo seat on top of the table, eating a whole green bell pepper. Naturally, right?
Samuel loves to play in the car. We borrowed our friends' Element last week to pick up a sofa for the basement and Samuel had a grand ole time playing in it.
Since he's grown out of most of his 18 month stuff, we have broken out the 2T outfits. This Adidas jogging suit was a Christmas gift from Uncle Curt & Aunt Lorre last year. It just cracks me up to see him in it. He also got a new pair of tennis shoes that he LOVES. He looks so grown up in them. (The last pic shows Samuel with some pacifiers that he found in a drawer - stinker!).
Joel Next...
Joel has been eating food for about a week or so. He's had oatmeal, banana, prunes, green beans, and a failed attempt at avocado. He is CRAZY about eating food!
Since he started eating food he's been doing this weird thing with his tongue. He sticks it out so that it catches his bottom lip. It is really funny.
And finally, the ALL TIME BEST PHOTO EVER!!!! Ed took this picture the other day and he is SOO proud of himself. It is really a funny picture that he captured at just the right second. Enjoy!!
That is so cool and so disgusting all at the same time!!!
good job ed, best drool photo i've ever seen!
that is soo gross. haha. samuel is growing up soooo fast. and joel could be the new gerber baby with that funnie little tongue thing. haha.
so, I know you will watch samuel in the car, but that so scares me.I know a photographer who's little girl went to play in the car and she thought she was going to her grandpa's (lived next door within the same fenced yard) and Grandpa didn't know she was headed over. An hour later, she had died in the car from overheating-- she had accidentally locked herself in. She was only 3.
Hey Melissa - that is beyond awful! Yes, we are always either sitting in the car with Samuel or standing outside of the car playing around with him. He's not one for going off and doing his own thing.
From Aunt Kay - We'll have to see about getting Samuel another Colts shirt that fits. GO COLTS!! I can't wait to see Joel in the old one!
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