Monday, April 14, 2008

I Love My Boys

Life is so fun with two boys. And let me just say that I *heart* rummage sales. We found a great one in Wilmette on Saturday. We got a TON of toys for Samuel for just $1.25!! We have them all in the trunk of the car and are waiting to get them out little by little. He LOVES the construction set we got. He plays with it from the moment he gets up until bedtime. He can work all the parts really well. Ed loves the set too - he plays with it after Samuel goes to bed! Samuel loves to carry the little construction man around - he can even say "man" now. Samuel also loves to sit on my lap while I nurse Joel. One of the photos below shows him sitting on my lap looking at the computer during a nursing session. Joel is getting fat! He is nursing ALL the time and is really plumping up. We just love him to pieces! Here are some snapshots from this weekend:


Hollie Carson said...

I think Joel looks like his Daddy, esp in the eyes. He's getting SO BIG!!

Are you still nursing on demand or do you go by schedule?

Sorry I missed your call Friday night. I would have LOVED to have talked with you. Let's talk soon!

Krista said...

Wow, all those toys for $1.25?! That's awesome! Thanks for posting all the pictures. I especially like the ones of you nursing Joel with Samuel on your lap :).