Friday, February 16, 2007

We Made It...

Well, Samuel and I finally made it home to good, ol' North Carolina. We had a long day of traveling on Thursday, but Ed/Daddy was there waiting for us. We were all SO glad to see each other. I forget how great it is to have that daily companionship with your spouse. It was a good delay because we got to spend extra time with my mom and dad, but it was also hard to be away from Ed. BUT, we made it home - and just in the knick of time. Here is the state of the fridge when I arrived home Thursday evening:
Needless to say, it was off to the grocery store today to replenish the fridge!


tenjuices said...

Not even 2 juices, only 1 juices... How sad

Hollie Carson said...

Ha! How long were you away for?

Maƫl said...

Just wanted to let you know that I offered to feed Ed in your absence ... he did not take me up on it though.

Anonymous said...

tenjuices is too proud to take food from the white european invaders...